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by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:06 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Is it a sin for Muslim men not to keep a beard ?
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Views: 88680
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Is it a sin for Muslim men not to keep a beard ?


Assalamu Alaikum.
I have a simple question, "not keeping beards for Muslim man is a Sin or not?"
I have a mind that; as keeping beards is a Sunnah, so it will be a sin if I don't follow it but some of friends told me,- I will commit sin if don't keep beards.
Please clarify my question ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:05 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Women can get their ears pierced, but can men?
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Views: 57495
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Women can get their ears pierced, but can men?


Women can get their ears pierced, but can men? If they cannot then why is that?


In the name of Allah, the Most Kind.

Assalamu alaykum brother,

Body piercing for males is not at all permissible in Islam. Only ear piercing has been permitted for females, according to some ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:05 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Difference between sects in Islam.
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Views: 56246
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Difference between sects in Islam.


Muslims from different sects feel justified in killing each other. Would you please be so kind as to explain why Allah cares which sect a Muslim belongs to?


Praises be to Allah.

Before I answer your questions, I would like to kindly first clarify that the actions of certain ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:04 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Is it okay to take pictures of my newborn baby?
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Views: 55762
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Is it okay to take pictures of my newborn baby?


Is it okay to take pictures of my newborn baby?


In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful.

There are many Hadiths narrated from the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) that strictly prohibit painting pictures of animate objects, for example:

Sayyiduna Jabir (Allah be pleased with him ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:04 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Should the person donate the money to build the Masjid or he should give the money to his relatives in order to build a
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Views: 56172
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Should the person donate the money to build the Masjid or he should give the money to his relatives in order to build a


If a person has enough money to build a Masjid, but he has relatives who are renting, should the person donate the money to build the Masjid? Or he should give the money to his relatives in order to build a home?


In the name of Allah the Ever-Merciful.

Building a Masjid will ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:03 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Is the use of vanilla extract permissible ?
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Views: 56338
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Is the use of vanilla extract permissible ?

Question :

I would like to know if vanilla extract is permissible. Some scholars say that it is ok because when you cook with it may transform into a state where it is not intoxicating. Could you tell me the main principle regarding alcohol in islam?
Is it that no matter how small the amount of ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:03 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Is a Muslim allowed to have a dog for the sake of Allah ?
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Views: 56609
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Is a Muslim allowed to have a dog for the sake of Allah ?


Assalamu'alaikum I'd like to ask you about having a dog. I know that the hadith said that moslems are not allowed to have one at home. But, will be okay to have one for the sake of Allah's grace? Once there was a prostitute who went to heaven just because she gave a thirsty dog some water ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:02 am
Forum: Other
Topic: Du'ah for time of hardship
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Views: 56149
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Du'ah for time of hardship


Assalamu Alaikum. I am in financial hardship and going to fall into dept. This situation is also harding my mental condition. Can you please suggest me any special Prayer or Dua or Ibadat which will help me in this hardship? May Allah Bless us all.


In the Name of Allah the Most ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:00 am
Forum: Beliefs
Topic: Is Al-Kidr still alive?
Replies: 0
Views: 79770
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Is Al-Kidr still alive?


Is Al-Kidr still alive? Can you tell me the story of of prophet Musa (pbuh) and Al-Kidr?


In the name of Allah, The Ever-Merciful.

Narrated Sa,id bin Jubair: i said to ibn Abbas. "Nauf Al-bikali claims that Musa (MOSES), The companion of Al-khidr was not the Musa (Moses) of the ...
by admin
Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:00 am
Forum: Beliefs
Topic: I have question about Isa (alayhissalaam), is he still live?
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Views: 46658
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I have question about Isa (alayhissalaam), is he still live?


Assalamalaykum, ya sheikh, I have question about Isa (alayhissalaam) is he still live? if living or not living can you give me the proof...jazakallohul khoyr!


In the Name of Allah, The All Merciful

Walikum Assalam brother,

Allah says in the Holy Quran - Surat A’Nisa(4-157 ...

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