What is Islamic rule of hair fixing or hair extensions? I would like to get detailed answer for this subject. Is there any difference in hukum if the hair is from human being or animal or by synthetic processing......?
In the name of Allah The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.
In response to your questions, please note:
Fixing the hair in a normal way is fine as long as you do not act like the disbelievers (i.e. drawing designs with the razor).
Styling the hair normally or make it short or long is also okay.
Coloring the hair is okay, except to color it with black.
To use hair extensions either from human or from animal hair (for both female and male) is haram in Islam. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said:” Allah curse those who (Wasela & Mustawsela) those who attach to their original hair any other hair partially or entirely”.
Allah knows best.
Sheikh Mostafa